What happens when you don’t know? Anxiety fills your minds with a thousand negative scenarios. Fear makes you ready to fight or flee. Panic blinds you to better judgments and best opportunities, your body freezes in place. There’re so many variables out of your control. There’s so much you justContinue Reading


We have ideas, original ideas, new perspectives, new takes on a variety of subjects. We grow attached to those ideas, we fear to share them with others, we fear they might be quicker to act. We fear the dark intentions lurking behind strangers’ eagerness to know what we know, whatContinue Reading

“Every morning upon awakening, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dali, and I ask myself, wonderstruck, what prodigious thing will he do today, this Salvador Dali” 1 We are not self-proclaimed creative geniuses like Salvador Dali, but from our humble creative corners, we all live under theContinue Reading

It happens…it happens once and it happens often. We just don’t feel creative or creative enough… we face a creative drought… No one is immune to this feeling. We may all fall into this creative funk. Especially at times of transition from one project to the next, when we areContinue Reading

Introducing the featured creative section. The artists, writers, illustrators, designers, and performers that will be featured in this section have made an impression on us. They have talent but also initiative, charisma, and vision. They are leaving an authentic stamp in their world and have a new perspective and a personalContinue Reading

In light of the recent news surrounding Facebook’s shady involvement in the data-mining scandal, a question has become more relevant than ever, what responsibility do we have to our clients and followers as creative entrepreneurs? When creativity sparks a business venture and the creation becomes a business itself we noContinue Reading


Collaboration is the bread and butter of the creative entrepreneur. We understand its power and thrive on its creative fuel. But how to make collaboration practices a seamless experience from which all parties can benefit? The collective of creatives around the world can be tapped easily thanks to the toolsContinue Reading

Curiosity is what fuels the creative mind. When we were children, it was our curiosity what made us explore the world. Thanks to that curiosity we learned and grew at an exponential pace. Unfortunately, as we became more familiar with our environment, the more we knew about our world, theContinue Reading

I must confess, for years I had a negative view of routine. Even as it was part of my daily life, instead of believing my routine was a source of self-empowerment I saw it as confining and restrictive. Is it friend or foe? Of course, as a child and adolescent,Continue Reading