
Lacking a positive attitude @ work? Let me be completely honest and bold. The problem is not your job. The first steps toward a positive attitude at work: Shifting Perspectives How do you see your job and your role there has everything to do with how you feel when you areContinue Reading


The Green Mile is not an upbeat story. Based on the book by Stephen King it portrays society at its worst levels of prejudice and its best levels of human vulnerability and compassion. 8 Mile is not a fairy tale. It juxtaposes the physical boundaries and psychological limits of aContinue Reading


The waiting game is the one we play when we stick to dreams and do nothing. You don’t have to wait until all planets align. You just have to align your mind with your goal and say f-this, let’s go! I want to be a blogger, so I am. IContinue Reading


A beauty that is imperfect, impermanent and incomplete… There’s great beauty to be found in imperfections. Think Wabi Sabi. Anyone with an artistic inclination intuitively knows this, as creatives, we think we do. But this comes directly at odds with our drive for perfection, perfection that is elusive and brief.Continue Reading


Sometimes to make something better we need to break it apart. Creativity is no different. As we all know and feel, our creative flow of comes under constant fire. The people around us, the demand of adult life, responsibilities and to-do-lists from which we don’t seem to get an ounceContinue Reading


This is a message for all education entrepreneurs and creatives with an innate and burning desire to step outside the box, communicate, inspired, and entertain their way. That is teaching in a nutshell and the time to start is now. Maybe you are considering teaching as another stream of income,Continue Reading

To be an engaging educator you have to be creative. You might not see yourself as an educator. But you definitely are if you are: passionate about sharing your knowledge or experience through any online or offline channel. a born or learned communicator. adding value to others by exposing themContinue Reading

Ok, so we’ve had the breakthrough idea, we’ve experienced the inspiring aha moment that propelled us toward a new project. That intense feeling, that rush of creativity is powerful and unique, but with the same intensity it comes, it goes. How can we capture some of its magic for longer?Continue Reading