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When we have a great idea, we have the vision, we see it with clarity in our minds. But our vision is not enough.
We have to help others see our vision come to life, to create the interest, spark the curiosity.
Without a clear image of what our product or creative service is, what our solution or upgrade looks like, any pitch to a potential buyer/fan falls flat.
Ideas must be worked and molded into something concrete, tangible. Share on XBut how can we do it when we are bootstrapping a new venture?
We might not have the product or service yet, but all we really need is a version of the original concept we can present to our market, to test, learn and re-imagine or re-engineer through their response. We need a mockup.
As defined by the world wide web, a mockup is a model used for instructional or experimental purposes. And at the early stages of any creative venture, that’s what we are doing, what we love to do as creatives; to experiment.
But, a concrete vision of the product is not just great to test potential markets, it’s an invaluable tool for the creative as well. It gives us a boost of confidence. It makes the product seem real, closer to launch time when it’s right there in front of us.
Mockups can be used for any product of creative service. We’ve used mockups for book covers, magazine covers, and health/wellness products.
A couple of things are crucial to keeping in mind:
- You have to choose from beautiful, high-quality designs.
- You must choose from a catalog of mockups at affordable prices.
That sweet-spot is what we should aim for. Remember that the point of a mockup is to project a highly professional image. A mockup is the dream-vision of your product, and it should look and feel as such. Its point will be moot if it’s anything less.
Check out the links I’ve included from my favorite CreativeMarket Place
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