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Art in a post covid19 world is in danger. The survival of the performing and visual arts depends on you. How can you support the creative individuals who keep the culture and cultural experiences alive in your community? And why is fighting for art in a post-COVID 19 world pivotal for humanity?
Art as the first casualty
I’ve always been the victim of humanity’s whims. The building block of their cultures, the foundation of their civilizations, I’m the visual manifestation of their might, yet I always find myself relegated to the bottom of the list. Human achievement is scientific, objective, tangible. I’m subjective, ephemeral. But without me, their lives are void of meaning, void of soul.
If Art could talk what might it say in response to the lack of appreciation that comes from those she serves. And even when artistic appreciation exists, why so few are willing to place a hand on the fire.
Time and time again, we’ve seen how art is relegated to a decorative realm, thought of as a superficial pursuit, a leisurely pleasure. And sure enough, we cannot “eat” or “drink” art, yet it nourishes our minds, our souls. I understand budgets must be allocated, but even when no such concept existed, even when humanity had to fight for survival in the shadow of wild beasts and unknown fates when food was scared, and life hung by a thread, Art was the saving grace.
The ability to express the wonders of their inner world made survival the very essence of humanity, it showed us it could be done, it could be our masterpiece.
Somehow the civilized man forgot that. But it’s impossible to deny. Because Art is everywhere and everything. Art is a state of mind and a way of living. Art is life itself, in war and peace. When the dust of our human confrontations, our struggles with men, and nature settles, Art is what always remains.
Taking on the creative fight post-Covid 19
The experts say COVID 19 is here to stay. But there’ll come a time, soon, when a collective page will turn. Doors and windows will be flung open and people will go out freely, if not unmasked, to engage with the world anew.
Creatives cannot wait. The fight for Art is an ongoing battle, yet, post Covid19 more people will appreciate and recognize its value, the role it played, and must play going forward as a testament of our human will, our capacity to survive and thrive.
Fighting for art in a post-COVID 19 world will also be a fight for our mental health.
Because, the true impact of these long months of isolation, and the sudden jump into a virtual world of Zoom meetings, conference calls, and watch parties, however, their convenience and initial excitement, will not yet be known and may be the subject of study and investigation for years to come.
The world has changed, but us humans, even the early adopters of the new technology and mode of “social” interaction, have not had time to change that much, that quickly.
That will take its toll.
The world as we know it
How do we reinvent the ways we interact, consume, and produce art? The answer to that question is the challenge posed to every creative out there, and every human being for that matter. It may seem like the world as you knew it came to an end. But it hasn’t.
The world we grew used to may have changed, but it’s been doing so for thousands of years. Our human resistance to change is nothing new either. But with our creative human mind, we’ve always come through. It’s time to adapt and transform again.
Your mind is the roadblock and the door. When you stop wanting to go back to a moment that’s past, you can see the opportunities that lie open in front of you.
So, what can this new world mean for Art, culture and the creative industries?
Art is the way through and out
In the darkest times, Art, in all its manifestations, has helped human resilience shine through. Social distancing and isolation were made “livable” thanks to shared “virtual” experiences around music and performances. People have created art at home, they’ve documented the pandemic through introspective paintings and photography, they’ve reinvented their creative business models.
That very need to create has been our individual and collective way to affirm our human existence. We’ve been fighting this pandemic with Art. Now, let’s fight for it.
Cultural and creative industries are the livelihood of many. We can show our support, first, by following their pages and participating in their “virtual” exhibits, “live” concerts, or workshops.
When you engage with the creative content these individual artists, creative entrepreneurs, or cultural institutions put out there, you show the significance that art, creativity, and culture have in your life.
When you cannot afford to support creatives financially, give them what they crave: eyes on their pieces, projects, and products. React, interact, share. Tweet MeThe Artworld is going through a process of transformation post-COVID 19. But you as a supporter and consumer of Art we must do the same. The artistic expressions that hang in the museums and galleries, waiting to perform on empty stages around the world, are all part of our human cultural heritage.
Fighting for art in a post-COVID 19 world is the responsibility of the individual and the collective.
They keep telling their stories. In a world consumed by uncertainty, making, appreciating, and supporting Art is the creative path each of us can take to get ourselves through the crisis. And once we find ourselves out, let’s do Art and the Artist a solid, and make the individual artist, creative business, and cultural institution a central tenet of our post-COVID 19 world.
Give a shout out to the piece of Art, Artist or Exhibit that has inspired you during this pandemic.