Half the year has gone by. The difficult time to self-assess has come round. If you suffer from multiple-ideas or never-ending-project syndrome, your list of ideas and projects has grown exponentially over the past months, yet check marks next to those ideas and projects are nowhere to be found. ManagingContinue Reading


Collaboration is the bread and butter of the creative entrepreneur. We understand its power and thrive on its creative fuel. But how to make collaboration practices a seamless experience from which all parties can benefit? The collective of creatives around the world can be tapped easily thanks to the toolsContinue Reading

I must confess, for years I had a negative view of routine. Even as it was part of my daily life, instead of believing my routine was a source of self-empowerment I saw it as confining and restrictive. Is it friend or foe? Of course, as a child and adolescent,Continue Reading

You might be able to do it all. You might be a writer who also draws, and has a handle on graphic design. But if you are like me, and you don’t want to wait until your own skills as an illustrator improve before sharing a story with the world,Continue Reading

Journaling is an invaluable tool for any creative. People have kept journals through extraordinary situations, as part of intuitive self-healing practices. We have to believe their journals was an essential part of what kept them from falling into despair, inaction. Journals are outlets for the soul, the mind. Blank pages canContinue Reading

You build your creative path one mindful stone at a time. Sometimes you will have to build your path over difficult terrain, and each stone must be manifested from the sand. As we sometimes do when we listen to our favorite Youtubers for inspiration, yesterday we wrote down an interestingContinue Reading