
Taller Virtual: adaptándonos ante el cambio Es un gusto para mi haber pasado las pasadas semanas preparando nuestro primer taller virtual en cuenta regresiva! Estos días han sido otro testimonio de la capacidad que todos tenemos para adaptarnos a los cambios y buscar oportunidades. Cuando fue evidente para mí queContinue Reading


Now more than ever it’s time to engage in reflection and action, as the antidotes to social distancing and feelings of loss, isolation, frustration, and fear. We all want things to go “back to normal.” But the best thing you can do right is to take life as it is,Continue Reading


5 Effective Ways to Identify and Engage Your Tribe’s Point of View Yes! You want to know, connect and engage your tribe or community of top fans and followers. At any stage of your business and brand’s journey, your raving fans and avid followers will stick their heads out forContinue Reading


No matter the size of your business and brand or the industry it belongs to, the process ultimately involves people. Its growth depends on people. And when there’re people, there’re feelings you must be able to understand. According to the academic blog The Conversation, “Empathy is the ability to shareContinue Reading


Let’s get planning a successful workshop that delights! Next April the Creative Atelier will hold its first workshop of 2020. It’s going to be a local-live workshop in Spanish, but you’ll be able to follow its progress on Instagram @creative_atelier and FB @cre8iveatelier. (The workshop’s presentation and transcript will laterContinue Reading

Creative thinking is my jam, but what about this design thinking I’m hearing so much about? According to The New School, it is a “method and mindset that starts with empathy to frame and solve problems.” What I’ve learned so far about design thinking: The emphasis is on quick, cheapContinue Reading

Elegant, minimalist, versatile, soft, eye-catching, professional. Some of my favorite branding words are all part of  this fab Free Good of the week. After complaining, mostly to ourselves, that variety and style were missing from PowerPoint templates, this week another high-quality product popped on the CreativeMarket selection of Free GoodsContinue Reading

When Mondays roll around there’s one thing that has become a great motivator; getting the Free Goods of Week email from the CreativeMarket. This week my favorite free goodie, hands down, has to be the Roka PowerPoint Template by TempLabs. And it couldn’t have come at a better time. AtContinue Reading

This week I’m having fun with a box-full of elements to play with… The Epic Collage Maker is an eclectic collection that offers touches of whimsy to accessorized your creations. A wiggly line can truly be a well of inspiration. An old polaroid can frame a simple vision. A pieceContinue Reading