(This post was inspired by Blurb‘s creative question: What’s your perfect creative Sunday) When Monday rolls around, do you feel energized and ready to face a brand new week? Do you feel the full force of your creative self, ideas and potential oozing from your creative soul? or do youContinue Reading

Ok, so we’ve had the breakthrough idea, we’ve experienced the inspiring aha moment that propelled us toward a new project. That intense feeling, that rush of creativity is powerful and unique, but with the same intensity it comes, it goes. How can we capture some of its magic for longer?Continue Reading

“Every morning upon awakening, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dali, and I ask myself, wonderstruck, what prodigious thing will he do today, this Salvador Dali” 1 We are not self-proclaimed creative geniuses like Salvador Dali, but from our humble creative corners, we all live under theContinue Reading

It happens…it happens once and it happens often. We just don’t feel creative or creative enough… we face a creative drought… No one is immune to this feeling. We may all fall into this creative funk. Especially at times of transition from one project to the next, when we areContinue Reading


The mind is the beginning of everything. From our thoughts come our reality, from our perspectives come the way we see and interpret the world. And from our imagination come the many creative paths we follow. When we talk about the mind we might picture only its most safe andContinue Reading

Curiosity is what fuels the creative mind. When we were children, it was our curiosity what made us explore the world. Thanks to that curiosity we learned and grew at an exponential pace. Unfortunately, as we became more familiar with our environment, the more we knew about our world, theContinue Reading

I must confess, for years I had a negative view of routine. Even as it was part of my daily life, instead of believing my routine was a source of self-empowerment I saw it as confining and restrictive. Is it friend or foe? Of course, as a child and adolescent,Continue Reading


**This is not a sponsored post** During the past week I’ve been trying the Calm app. I downloaded the app on my android tablet for free and began the mindful exploration. The 7 Days of Calm is a perfect program to start a meditation practice. The voice that guides youContinue Reading

For this Creative ID series‘ post, let’s start diving deeper into the many creative identities that are out there. We’ll begin with that of the Artist-Maker. As other creative entrepreneurs, the artist-maker is driven to create. His craft is not only a hobby but a passion that permeates all aspectsContinue Reading