I must confess, for years I had a negative view of routine. Even as it was part of my daily life, instead of believing my routine was a source of self-empowerment I saw it as confining and restrictive. Is it friend or foe? Of course, as a child and adolescent,Continue Reading

For this Creative ID series‘ post, let’s start diving deeper into the many creative identities that are out there. We’ll begin with that of the Artist-Maker. As other creative entrepreneurs, the artist-maker is driven to create. His craft is not only a hobby but a passion that permeates all aspectsContinue Reading


As we talked about in a previous post about reasons to start blogging now, a blog is an invaluable resource for the creative entrepreneur. It’s your platform, your virtual home, the place where you welcome your audience, followers, clients, and offer them a little more of you. As a creative,Continue Reading

Journaling is an invaluable tool for any creative. People have kept journals through extraordinary situations, as part of intuitive self-healing practices. We have to believe their journals was an essential part of what kept them from falling into despair, inaction. Journals are outlets for the soul, the mind. Blank pages canContinue Reading


Confession: I consume great quantities of content on a daily basis…pretty normal. But after a while, I realized, instead of feeling energized and inspired, I was feeling drained and exhausted! How am I working on striking the right balance between consuming content and creating? Doing a better job at keepingContinue Reading

It’s difficult to swim against the current. It’s especially difficult to fight against the negative tide of other people’s fears, anxieties, failures, and mistakes projected onto us. As difficult as it is, negativity from others is part of the creative process. As creatives, we will have ideas, visions, projects thatContinue Reading

Because at one time or another we have all felt lazy and sluggish. It’s important to remember that downtime is good for the mind and inspiration. We don’t have to actively engage in an activity or project all the time. But when that lazy feeling is making us feel uncomfortable,Continue Reading

Hi! I’m Gaba, In this first Vlog I want to introduce myself and what this channel will be all about. It’s been a long time since I dared to publish a video of myself, and it was about time to begin again. Through this personal Vlog I want you toContinue Reading

Why should we feel any measure of shame when we decide to change paths, careers, relationships? Does life always stay the same? Does anybody’s life trajectory is truly linear? No, our lives’ stories (like the best stories) have twists and turns. We move forward and step back, recalculate, go again.Continue Reading