
Today is one of those days when you feel like getting all your bits and pieces together and going out the door. A day when whatever unknowns out there seems better than what’s in here. I get it. Today you might be feeling quitting is definitely the answer. Stop! WhenContinue Reading


The first book I ever read that opened my millennial mindset to the word hustle was Spark and Hustle by Tory Johnson. Before that book, I had only learned to hustled in college and graduate school. I made my time there an opportunity for personal ego-building achievements that don’t countContinue Reading


As we were growing up, we were all repeatedly told about the things we could accomplish, if we only set our bright millennial minds to it. I don’t believe we were lied to,. Clearly, our parents and teachers certainly left some key information out. They gave us shiny participation awards.Continue Reading


It’s all about the doing. But I’m all about the thinking! or rather about the overthinking. I could spend bottomless hours diving deeper and deeper into my own thoughts. Aimless contemplation has been a preferred pastime since childhood. I studied English Literature because it combined the luxury of reading, writingContinue Reading


What do you stand for? That’s one foundational question you must take time to ask yourself, because what you stand for dictates what you believe in from the core of your being, what values and principles guide your life, what are you willing and ready to do, when and whereContinue Reading


Weekends are for Creators… And I can’t wait to partake of the digital conference by Create & Cultivate. If you don’t know what Create & Cultivate is all about I invite you to discover them here. You could think of it as a network of empowering conferences and resources gearedContinue Reading

Elegant, minimalist, versatile, soft, eye-catching, professional. Some of my favorite branding words are all part of  this fab Free Good of the week. After complaining, mostly to ourselves, that variety and style were missing from PowerPoint templates, this week another high-quality product popped on the CreativeMarket selection of Free GoodsContinue Reading


Creative leaders need to find assertive ways to communicate their vision. No matter how innovative or game-changing an idea might be, if it comes out of us poorly expressed it will lay flat on the floor, it will not reach the emotional core of our audience or engage its intellectContinue Reading

To be an engaging educator you have to be creative. You might not see yourself as an educator. But you definitely are if you are: passionate about sharing your knowledge or experience through any online or offline channel. a born or learned communicator. adding value to others by exposing themContinue Reading