
What do you stand for? That’s one foundational question you must take time to ask yourself, because what you stand for dictates what you believe in from the core of your being, what values and principles guide your life, what are you willing and ready to do, when and whereContinue Reading


This past week was one of those when I felt creative to the bone. So I want to share with you some of my creative small wins, to inspire your own. I’m inspired by my collaboration with Wanderella and the empowering message of her graphic designs. I did a littleContinue Reading


Ugh! to be in a job environment that’s uninspiring, draining, bland and meh… Not all of us are (or will ever be) lucky enough to work in a place that’s open to creativity, supportive of curiosity and willing to provide opportunities that push us to the limit and offer spaceContinue Reading


Striking the right balance between working on your personal growth and connecting through collaboration with others is the conundrum of the freelance creative. The wave of co-working spaces, crowd-sourcing projects, and crowdfunding ideas is ultimately pulling us toward community, social interaction, outside spaces away from our own, other people awayContinue Reading


We all have a story to tell. If we truly wish to tell it, there’s no stopping us. Some share their stories through the music they make. Others share their stories through drawing and painting, some through dance and performance. Others, like me, share their stories through publishing our writtenContinue Reading


A beauty that is imperfect, impermanent and incomplete… There’s great beauty to be found in imperfections. Think Wabi Sabi. Anyone with an artistic inclination intuitively knows this, as creatives, we think we do. But this comes directly at odds with our drive for perfection, perfection that is elusive and brief.Continue Reading


Sometimes to make something better we need to break it apart. Creativity is no different. As we all know and feel, our creative flow of comes under constant fire. The people around us, the demand of adult life, responsibilities and to-do-lists from which we don’t seem to get an ounceContinue Reading


One of my weekly self-care rituals involves me, my mat, my block, my tablet and the guiding voice of Adriene. I show up to Yoga and it gives back to me. The value I gain from showing up, following the movements as best I can and listening to her inspirationalContinue Reading


This is a message for all education entrepreneurs and creatives with an innate and burning desire to step outside the box, communicate, inspired, and entertain their way. That is teaching in a nutshell and the time to start is now. Maybe you are considering teaching as another stream of income,Continue Reading