
The Green Mile is not an upbeat story. Based on the book by Stephen King it portrays society at its worst levels of prejudice and its best levels of human vulnerability and compassion. 8 Mile is not a fairy tale. It juxtaposes the physical boundaries and psychological limits of aContinue Reading


The thing is, good enough valley is overpopulated. “Average” station has the fullest trains. And following the job description to a “t” might make you dependable, but not indispensable. On the other hand, singing from the mountaintop is not for meant for everyone. A selected few will ever reach there,Continue Reading


The Nightmare Before Christmas for me was an acquired taste. At the time it came out, weirdness and eccentricity were two things I wanted to avoid at all cost. I was also nine years old, a very jumpy and easily scared nine-year-old. The movie was not for me. I’m moreContinue Reading


The waiting game is the one we play when we stick to dreams and do nothing. You don’t have to wait until all planets align. You just have to align your mind with your goal and say f-this, let’s go! I want to be a blogger, so I am. IContinue Reading


Today is one of those days when you feel like getting all your bits and pieces together and going out the door. A day when whatever unknowns out there seems better than what’s in here. I get it. Today you might be feeling quitting is definitely the answer. Stop! WhenContinue Reading


The first book I ever read that opened my millennial mindset to the word hustle was Spark and Hustle by Tory Johnson. Before that book, I had only learned to hustled in college and graduate school. I made my time there an opportunity for personal ego-building achievements that don’t countContinue Reading


As we were growing up, we were all repeatedly told about the things we could accomplish, if we only set our bright millennial minds to it. I don’t believe we were lied to,. Clearly, our parents and teachers certainly left some key information out. They gave us shiny participation awards.Continue Reading


It’s all about the doing. But I’m all about the thinking! or rather about the overthinking. I could spend bottomless hours diving deeper and deeper into my own thoughts. Aimless contemplation has been a preferred pastime since childhood. I studied English Literature because it combined the luxury of reading, writingContinue Reading