First, there’re a couple of key things you must now right off the bat. A personal brand is not built in a day. You create your brand with your journey. Your personal brand is you. So, Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? How toContinue Reading


Saying Thank You is Hard Enough Millennial gratitude ( or rather ingratitude) is the bane of our parents’ existence. We have a tendency to express gratitude with less buoyancy and more suspicion. Why are we so particular about handing out our thank you notes? Our generation is filled with interpersonalContinue Reading


Creative breakthroughs inside the millennial workplace. How is the millennial workplace carving new and relevant spaces for our generation of women and men? And in a new era for women’s liberation, where do the millennial men stand? We seek an authentic organizational culture. It can be created and cultivated. TheContinue Reading


Movember is about men’s health There’re issues endangering the health of men, mainly neglect, avoidance, the social pressure to be silent, quiet emotions and just take it “like a man”. Movember advocates for change. Because for society to thrive we need healthy women and men. We need to change theContinue Reading


Don’t Work Harder. Work Smarter It’s easy to forget that working harder at something is not the answer. It might seem to had worked for our parents and grandparents. But the reality that they sometimes miss is the fact that the people who found lasting success were the ones whoContinue Reading

I’m no Buddhist or Zen monk, so, why meditation? Something will happen this week that will make you lose your balance. The point of meditation at work is to counter the impact of these unforeseen events from within. A coworker will say something, a colleague will do something, or won’t,Continue Reading


Saying Hell Yeah to Positive Affirmations Inspired by a recent collaboration with Wanderella, I want to rant a bit more about positive affirmations here because you can never have too much positivity. We live in a world that bombards us with literal and metaphorical reasons to feel swamped in negativity.Continue Reading


Lacking a positive attitude @ work? Let me be completely honest and bold. The problem is not your job. The first steps toward a positive attitude at work: Shifting Perspectives How do you see your job and your role there has everything to do with how you feel when you areContinue Reading

Are you overlooking the power of being a creative writer? Creative side hustle ideas abound. For many years I neglect to look into them to explore my passions and ended up feeling an uncomfortable frustration that came from within. If you are a writer having any or all of thoseContinue Reading