
The 9.5 things I like and the 1 thing I hate! Here’s the deal, there’re more than 9.5 things I like about creativity, but I wanted to challenge myself to pick only 9 and a half. Let’s see what comes out of this little exercise. One day I was sittingContinue Reading


2020 is here and your creative self has come to party! The hard truth is, 2019 could have been a lot better. Or to be more accurate, you could have been a lot better. Many things got in the way of your most creative self. I feel ya. The “problem”Continue Reading


An authentic love letter to myself, Today might be the worst possible day to ask yourself the question: What is your authentic love. Or maybe the most appropriate. Because, on this day you feel vulnerable and ready to stay on the surface of your feelings. Dare to dip your headContinue Reading


Workdays can drag on in passive lethargy or pass by swiftly in action and flow. And to fuel your workflow there’s nothing like harnessing the power of a personal passion. A personal passion can be work itself, but more often than not, as employees, we feel lacking. Work, on itsContinue Reading

Creative thinking is my jam, but what about this design thinking I’m hearing so much about? According to The New School, it is a “method and mindset that starts with empathy to frame and solve problems.” What I’ve learned so far about design thinking: The emphasis is on quick, cheapContinue Reading


An obvious way to begin a new year is with a blank-slate mentality and a list of resolutions. Take a look at the things left on the table; the projects you started but didn’t finished, the ideas and the dreams. Your goals are there. Is there something that can orContinue Reading


You know the word entrepreneur. It pops out from behind every corner of the internet, on every book cover, every blog post. It’s no coincidence. You are thinking about it, constantly. The universe is trying to tell you something. Mainly, that inside the next generation workplace, you should be one.Continue Reading


Do Baby boomers have a knack for raining on your millennial parade? By the time you put on your big girl’s clothes and walked inside the office building, crawling with baby boomers, all of a sudden you are given the stink eye. But the work landscape is changing. The millennialContinue Reading


You might think this is a post focused on style or fashion. And it is, but not quite. Style and fashion are part of the workplace and that’s where I will take you. Inside work and work meetings in particular. A meeting can be tedious enough, overwhelming enough, stressful orContinue Reading