**This post contains affiliate links. I’ll generate a small commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking on the links.** For the past two weeks, I’ve been experimenting with Blurb Bookwright. I wasn’t familiar with the platform, so I watched their step-by-step beginner tutorials. I realized they’ve beenContinue Reading

Three years ago I went to a contemporary art exhibit that featured all sorts of creations, from sculptures to videos projected on the ceiling, from new fashion to a little piece of writing. It was a page, rip from a diary, and it was inside a small turquoise frame, onContinue Reading

You might be able to do it all. You might be a writer who also draws, and has a handle on graphic design. But if you are like me, and you don’t want to wait until your own skills as an illustrator improve before sharing a story with the world,Continue Reading

As I pointed out in the first of my Cre8ive ID vlog series, creativity is shape-shifting.  In its many forms, creativity spreads all over essential aspects of our daily life and the basic dynamics of our world. It impacts art and cultural heritage, conventional industries like publishing and creative industriesContinue Reading

As creatives, there’s no short amount of obstacles and excuses we can’t come up with. From lack of time, money, and inspiration, the list can become long and depleting. If you haven’t got that creative ball rolling on your dream projects this year, here’s a list of three tactics thatContinue Reading

Every day, every week and month is full of potential discoveries. I want to wrap up a month of progress with a roundup of my favorite products, insights, discoveries and creative milestones. Here we go! Favorites:  Milano Sky for an accent font Pexels for visual inspiration Trello for visual organizationContinue Reading

This #Vlog and post will be part of the Creative ID Series, a way for me to dive deeper into the concepts and definitions that have sprung from the research and finding in The Orange Economy. As a creative, I believe we don’t have to want to belong to oneContinue Reading


In this #Vlog you’ll hear me talk briefly about the concept of The Orange Economy. As I dive deeper into the world of the creative industries, the disruption at its core fascinates me. Here’s one of the possible definitions, according to the book The Orange Economy: The creative economy (orangeContinue Reading

In a recent post, we talked about the importance of cultivating mindfulness. This practice aims for a state of mental quietness, stillness, and awareness. One way to incorporate these three essential elements is through meditation. Even today the practice of meditation seems foreign for most. Those who understand its benefits stillContinue Reading