Thank you for visiting The Creative Confidential. The content on this blog is original and a labor of love. If you would like to use any of my content on your site, please send me a brief message through the contact page. I’m always looking for creative partners.
Privacy Policy.
To all who may visit this blog, know that your email and other personal information you may provide will be cared for with the most confidentiality. This information will be gathered through our contact form or through email communication. No personal information will be given to third parties or used for push notifications.
I would love to publish your own ideas and posts, just make sure that your contribution is consistent with the theme and tone of the blog. Your guest posts will be published under one of the set post categories we write about. I will have the final say on whether or not a submitted guest post complies with the above criteria.
If you’d like me to review and/or edit a piece of writing, essay, script, story, or article, you should follow the steps in the Services Catalog section of this site. All manuscripts and drafts I receive will be treated with the most confidentiality.
Terms of Use.
As a visitor and user of the blog, you are free to peruse the content and leave comments that are positive and offer constructive criticism. As the owner of the blog, I’ll reserve the right to delete any comment which I may deem negative in nature and which provides no added value to the blog, its visitors, or the literary community at large. I expect the visitors of this blog to be critical thinkers with respect to other people’s opinions and with a love of literature, writing, creativity, and authenticity.