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This post is an opinion piece inspired by the TED Talk “How to Live a Creative Life” by writer and actor Tracy Letts. His list of creative habits is his own, a testament to his personality and style. This is mine. Enjoy the read! (Some of the links below are affiliate links.)

Creativity. If you frequent the blog you might already tell I love that word and what it stands for. Living and cultivating a creative life is an intentional practice. Everyone’s creative life looks and feels different. I want to inspire you to embrace creativity and harness your creative power daily.

The idea of creative habits is not new. Countless books, articles, and blog posts have been published. I believe our fascination with creativity is innate to our humanity. I know that thinking about creativity, and how to harness it and use it with purpose occupies most of my waking hours.

One of the fascinating aspects of creativity is that the path to expressing creativity is unique to each of us: our voice, experiences, sensibilities, and how we perceive and interpret what happens in our lives.

I felt inspired to share my list of core values for a creative life. And by the end of this post, I wonder what it would say about the creative life I’m trying to lead.

A Creative Life is a Work in Progress

There are things we can intentionally do (and seek) every day to rekindle and get the most out of the powerful creative energy of each breath, each day, and each present moment.

Remember that this is a work in progress. Nothing is set in stone. You have the choice to edit, reinvent yourself, and start again at every step. But if you take a moment to pause and reflect, dig a bit deeper, and listen to your inner voice and compass, you’ll find your core values.

These are the foundation and the thread. Here I’ll share the ones that I’ve discovered for myself, so far.

Core Values Will Be Your Anchor

Core values are the pillars that support the foundation of your life. They are the principles you follow, the beliefs that guide your actions, and how you respond to circumstances, challenges, obstacles, and opportunities. For me, it all starts with curiosity…

1. Curiosity

Allow yourself to wonder, to ask questions, and to look for answers. Curiosity is the spark that ignites discoveries and perspectives. Don’t put yourself in harm’s way! But don’t be afraid to follow your instinct, your intuition, and your innate human trait. If it weren’t for curiosity, where would we be today?


2. Surrender

Allow yourself to flow. As you move through life, through projects, let go of the past and present, and embrace the path as it unfolds. So much unnecessary suffering and struggle comes from resistance. Surrender does not mean not acting, or giving up.

Surrender means going with the flow, and tackling challenges and obstacles as they come. It also means, flowing through the present moment without the need to control every aspect or outcome.

3. Honesty

Be honest with yourself. Check-in with yourself: are you pushing yourself beyond your current energy threshold? Are you focusing your time and giving your attention to the things that will recharge you?

Be honest with others, without resorting to rudeness. Are you letting others take over your life? are you spreading yourself too thin, taking other people’s responsibilities as your own? do you need a break, a rest, or a time-out? You must ask for what you need from yourself and others.

4. Professionalism

Let your actions and interactions with others be framed by open, cordial, and timely communication. To be professional you don’t have to be working in a traditional work setting. Every message, text, email, post comment, call, etc. should be written, sent, shared, or published with professionalism.

You convey so much of the quality of your character when you treat others with professionalism. You set the standard and the tone of the conversation or communication.

5. Kindness

Be a source of positive energy in the world around you. Share the gift of a smile. Express gratitude for someone’s help or service, even if it was expected. Take into consideration how the other person’s day might be going, and try to bridge the gap with a word, or a gesture.

Kindness, just like compassion and empathy, has the benefit of filling those willing to give it with positive energy, even more so than to those who receive it. Don’t miss out!

6. Self-Growth

Grow through what you go through. That’s a saying I read once on a mural. It’s easy to let yourself feel deflated and defeated by circumstances. A more positive perspective and course of action is to take every day as a learning opportunity, in a proactive way.

Seek learning and growth. Be always reading, listening, and watching content that will inspire new insights, and enrich you with new knowledge. Reflect on the things that happened, “good” or “bad” and frame them in a new light. Challenge your beliefs, and broaden your thinking. Embrace a growth mindset.

7. Creativity

Live life creatively. Problems, challenges, and obstacles are an unavoidable part of life. A creative approach when facing our present circumstances allows us to find out-of-the-box solutions.

Creativity is also how we infuse our lives with layers of color, texture, sound, flavor, and fun. With creativity, we add that personal touch to everything we do, and how we do it.

Remember that life is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be appreciated and enjoyed.

Accelerate Your Creativity With Personalized AI

I hope you feel inspired to reflect and define your core values for a creative life! I’d love to read your insights in a comment below 🙂

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